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This will give us an idea of the price range that you can afford so that we can get you in one of our homes that matches what you want or connect with you a licensed agent who can go out and find the best deal on a home that is right for you. Getting pre-qualified will require that you provide a lender with some basic information on your income, assets, and debt. We can arrange to have this done for you at no cost. Another benefit in getting pre-qualified is that it is an expression of your seriousness in purchasing a home, which may be a deciding factor in a situation of competing offers from other not-yet qualified buyers on your dream home. Enter your information below and we will get in touch with your shortly, or call us at 305.575.2475
Contact us!
One of our land buying experts will discuss with you your goals with selling your land, answer any questions you may have and gather info about your land.
We take our time and find out what we can fairly offer for your land based on many factors including market prices and the number you’d like to see. This takes up to 48hrs.
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We present you the offer! If we can agree on a price/conditions then you accept the offer!